Executive Director Community Health Sector, Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre

H.E. Dr. Omniyat Al Hajeri

H.E. Dr. Omniyat Mohammed Al Hajeri is the Executive Director of the Community Health Division at the AD Public Health Center, She is specialized in the field of public health and leadership, also a practicing consultant physician in the field of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic diseases, she studied medicine, worked and trained in Ireland for 12 years and worked around twenty years at several Abu Dhabi Hospitals. She also served previously as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences.

She is a member of the Estijaba (COVID response team in AD health sector) with a special focus on the education sector agile response to COVID and also supports stakeholders involved in COVID response relationships in general.

Dr. Omniyat also worked at the first Health Authority established in Abu Dhabi and continued to help shape the health sector and its major reforms since 2001. Before moving to AD Public Health center in 2019, She served in the Department of health as a Director of Public Health and Research since 2011, leading a number of departments and including communicable disease, non-communicable diseases, Health promotion, research and occupational and environmental health where she worked with her team to initiate and implement more than 20 public health programs that are still serving the AD community. She also worked previously in health professional licensing (2007-2010), and human resources (2001-2007) , where she served as a founding member of the licensing, examination, credentialing, continuous medical education and post graduate medical education services in the Emirate of AD.

Dr. Omniyat is a board member of the Abu Dhabi Sports Council and the Academy of Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Women’s Sport, and also was previously a board member at Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company and ExCel London Exhibitions company (2016-2019) and Abu Dhabi Media Company.