H.E. Aref Hamad Al Awani is General Secretary of Abu Dhabi Sports Council (ADSC) which was established in 2006 and is aligned to the emirate’s leadership vision to develop sport and youth activities.
H.E. Al Awani, who holds a Master of Science in Leadership and Organisational Development (MS LOD), brings to his ADSC role a wealth of management experience which spans key roles within the UAE’s telecommunications, transportation, media and sports landscapes. He has held a number of high-profile positions on sports committees and at clubs in the UAE.
H.E. Al Awani has played an integral role in securing the renewal of the five-year headline sponsorship of HSBC for the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship and bringing key major events to Abu Dhabi across a range of sporting disciplines.
H.E. Al Awani is fully committed to garnering community engagement for ADSC events and in promoting sport as a key element in developing a healthy society. He envisages grassroots engagement of youth through school and university links as integral to the development of a sporting excellence culture throughout the emirate.